Archive for Tag: Jennifer Carrillo

Wedding: Emily and Roberson

I photograph weddings quite a bit, however, I rarely post them to the blog anymore because it takes so much time to do so and I have very little of that these days (with three little ones!).  Emily and Roberson had an amazing wedding full of love and laughter....

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Missions of California Part 4: San Fernando Mission

This mission is beautiful!  I had forgotten we had visited it about 2 years ago!  It was so fun to put this collage together to go with my other mission photograph collages.  I truly enjoy the old raw feeling of the missions.  It is amazing how similar yet unique...

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Missions in California Part 2: San Miguel

So continuing with the last post, after we visited La Soledad, we stopped off at Mission San Miguel (this is on our way from San Francisco coming south).  This mission was amazing!  It was so old and beautiful.  I loved the cracks in the walls, the old benches, the...

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Missions in California Part 1: La Soledad

My family and I travelled up north and stopped at a few missions along the way.  Unfortunately, Mission La Soledad was not open when we came by, but I managed to get a few great shots!

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Little One and her Horse

This was a really fun shoot for me.  I love horses, am not around them as much as I would like to be, but truly enjoyed the time I got to spend with this cutie and her horse.  I enjoyed shooting this lifestyle type of session-capturing moments as they...

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What beautiful dogs today.  3 amazing Akitas-2 seniors and 1 puppy and they all smiled and posed for the camera for me (wait till you see the shot of all three of them!).  Here are my favorite portraits from today…I love how all dogs have their own personalities-just like...

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