I thought this to be an interesting piece of information to pass along to all the Facebook users. There is a chance that Facebook could claim your personal information and text as its own property and use this information and these photographs to make a profit for itself. Knowing this information, I have removed all photography from my facebook account and have kept my personal information very limited. It is good information to know when you are putting your personal information and photography out there on sites like Facebook, My Space, and any others that may decide on a whim to own your information…Right now, Facebook appears to be in negotiations regarding this very issue. For more information, please read this article below from the photography union that I belong to:
ASMP has sent the statement below regarding the Facebook user information policy decision this week to media outlets nationally, including newspapers, television, radio, business publications, photography trade publications, and wire services. We are asking our membership to support our position and to be vigilant about the terms and conditions governing the sites you patronize. You can also be involved through blogging and talking about the issues. Blogs have formed including Facebook Owns Your Photos and The People Against the New Terms of Service. Other blogs include The Consumerist, an advocacy blog, news blogs etc. ASMP is also coordinating with the Copyright Alliance, who will use our statement on its blog.
ASMP Responds to Recent FACEBOOK Decision to Reverse User Information Policy
ASMP applauds the decision of Facebook to reverse its recent policy change concerning ownership of user information. We encourage other networking sites to review the ownership issues raised and how this may impact members and users.
The important subject of copyright ownership of uploaded material has been underscored by the outcry from thousands who were galvanized by Facebook’s new Terms of Use language granting itself permanent rights to users’ photos, posts and other information – even after accounts were closed. We are pleased that Facebook reported on Wednesday it would delay changes while it works to resolve “the issues people have raised.”
ASMP hopes that the Facebook licensing controversy will bring attention to the important issue of image ownership and control. We encourage our 7,000 + media photographer members across the country to inquire about the terms and conditions of the sites they utilize, and we have asked them to patronize only those who respect the rights of creators to have their work valued and protected.
Eugene Mopsik Executive Director, ASMP [email protected] or 215 451 2767
ASMP is the leading trade association for photographers who create images primarily for publication. ASMP has 39 chapters across the country and over 7,000 members including the world’s premier photographers. Founded in 1944, ASMP is a leader in promoting photographers’ rights, providing education in better business practices, producing business publications for photographers, and helping to connect purchasers with professional photographers.